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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Work gifts

Peter came home one evening before Christmas and mentioned that he thought he should give gifts to everyone in his department (13 people!).  Now, if he had come to me a month or even a week before the day that he wanted to distribute the gifts, I might have been able to send him in with some yummy baked goods or some fancy cheese and jams/jellies from our CSA.  However, he told me the night before.  I wanted to do something creative and thoughtful, despite the facebook suggestions that cold, hard cash was the way to go.  Also, we didn't budget for 13 gifts so I was trying to do something substantial on a shoestring budget.  Here's what I came up with:

Emergency Snack Pack

Contents on the lightweight metal trays (purchased from Joann on clearance with a coupon) included the following:

  • Mini water bottles
  • Granola bars
  • Chips
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Gum
  • Hershey's kisses
  • Ghirardelli chocolates
We wrapped each tray with plastic wrap (I love my Costco plastic wrap!) and taped a piece of wired ribbon around each pack.  I tied the cards on with a twist-tie.  
I never heard much feedback on if people liked the packs but I had a good time making them and would have loved seeing Peter carry all 13 of them in to his office!

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