So, I've ventured into the quilting world. But don't get excited. I don't think that this is my calling, at least for now. I took a class at a local sewing machine store and learned some basics about construction, quilting, and binding. The quilt that I started in the class is still hanging on a chair next to my machine, waiting to be finished. But, when I received an invitation to my new nephew, Jackson's Sip and See (a shower-type party after the baby has been born), I knew I wanted to make him a quilt. And, you're wondering why I made a quilt instead of a cute outfit or something like that. Well, it all comes down to my mom. My mom was a talented, artistic, fabulous quilter and she made so many quilts for us growing up. She made quilts for extended family, for friends, and for babies with AIDS. I miss her like crazy and I wish that she had gotten a chance to know all of her grandchildren. She has missed Alexander losing teeth, learning to read and growing into a sweet, compassionate little boy. She has missed Charlotte as a baby with chia pet hair, learning to pee in the potty, and loving to play on her own with polly pockets, babies, and her dollhouse. She's missed Lily's birth, her blonde hair, her expressions (and agility) that make her just like her Daddy. She's also missed Jackson's birth, his long fingers and toes, blonde hair, and sweet smiles. So, for all those reasons (and many more), I wanted to continue Mom's legacy of quilts. Here is Jackson's quilt:
I had so much fun choosing the fabrics for this quilt! I didn't use a pattern for the quilt but I did get some ideas from poking around the internet. I don't have a single site that I used for inspiration, just threw it together one evening. I hope that Jackson can enjoy it for years to come.
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