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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Charlotte's First Haircut

Alexander has had his share of milestone posts lately so thought we should share one of Charlotte's rites of passage, her first haircut! Peter would have cut her hair ages ago but I kept thinking that if we could just brow it all out, we could put it behind her ear. Unfortunately, most of the time, she just looked like Cousin It (Thanks, Uncle Matt for the nickname).


I guess there was nothing to worry about since she looks great and can actually see when she rips the bows out of her hair.  She looks more grown up now though.  Hoping to keep her a baby for as long as I can but just got a phone call from her pre-school (mother's day out) teacher.  We'll meet with her next week and then Charlotte starts school on the 8th of September!  Wow.  What will I do with myself with both kids in school? Hmm...I can think of a few things...

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