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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sorrow and Sunshine

I mentioned our friends Paul and Ericka and their baby, Eden Elizabeth, the other day. Eden passed away on Saturday in the arms of her loving parents and her burial was today. Peter and I attended the graveside service and stood with all of Paul and Ericka's friends and family, joining them to celebrate Eden's short life. It was a difficult day for Eden's parents and for all of us. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they return to everyday life without their beautiful daughter.

A ray of sunshine appeared for me on this sunny yet dreary day. It came in the form of a basket filled with all sorts of things for a quarantined, radioactive person. Thank you so much to my playgroup friends - Debbie, Estelle, Holly, Emily, Sheri, Kristen, Sara, Wendy, and Alyson (I hope I didn't forget any of you - if I did, I'll blame it on the hypothyroidism)! They are truly a great group of friends who have provided us with meals, phone calls, e-mail and now books, magazines, puzzles, pajamas, music, bath and body stuff, scrapbooking equipment, and more!! As if I wasn't emotional enough had to go and do something so great and perfect for my upcoming treatment! It almost makes going into isolation sound fun! Here are a couple photos of the basket that they brought I had to add a few because the basket was so full that you couldn't see everything in one - the photos don't do it justice because you can't see everything but you can get a good idea of how fantastic these ladies are!!

I'll be off of the computer for a few days but will try to have Peter update it for me. If you don't see any posts for a few days, don't despair...I'll be back and typing again very soon! Wish me luck as I enter hazardous materials land!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


BB just updated me last night on what's going on in your world! WOW!! I just wanted to let you know that I spent some concentrated time in prayer for you this morning. I have a dear friend who had to go through the "isolation thing" several times and I know how "NOT FUN" it is. Just remember, this will all be worth it for Sweet Alexander and Peter! It's what you have to do to get better!!!!!

I'll keep checking in on you via the blog and praying for GOOD NEWS! Anxiously awaiting an update.....


Carol Holtz